Regional Focus Group Meeting Event Recordings

Recordings of Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group Events are given below. Locations with limited Internet speed may wish to download the file before playing it (right mouse click on the link, then "Save Target As"). 

Content of the Regional Focus Group Meeting Events and Recordings

The next Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meeting is scheduled for February 2025

More information will be provided closer to time.

 28th January 2025 Regional Focus Group meeting (124)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Presentation and Discussion of the most Significant or Favourite Events of the year 2024 as revealed in Satellite Imagery (part 2)
    • High-based convection and turbulence northeast of Hawaii: presented by Jordan Gerth, NOAA/NESDIS. 16 minutes duration (403Mb .mp4)
    • Tropical Cyclone Paul 10-11 April 2024: New technologies adding value; ASCAT UHR and Tropics Microwave: presented by Joe Courtney, Bureau of Meteorology, Perth. 8 minutes duration (22Mb .mp4). Post presentation discussion (7Mb. mp4)
  • A summary of the 14th Asia Oceania Meteorological Satellite User Conference (AOMSUC-14): presented by Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 22 minutes duration (105Mb .mp4).
Note: the advertised presentation "A memorable event during the BMTC 2024 Tropical Meteorology Simulation" could not be shown due to lack of time.

17th December 2024 Regional Focus Group meeting (123)

Topics of discussion included:

  • A Quadruplet of Tropical Cyclones over the Western Pacific during the Winter Season: presented by Danice Yin Lam NG, Hong Kong Observatory, China and Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 11 minutes duration (99Mb .mp4)
  • Whakaari / White Island 2024 Eruptions: presented by Ashlee Parkes, MetService New Zealand. 8 minutes duration (95Mb .mp4). Post presentation discussion (21Mb .mp4)
  • Always use as much satellite information as possible: presented by Scott Lindstrom, SSEC University of Wisconsin Madison. 5 minute duration (42Mb .mp4)
  • Analysis of Puting Beliung Rancaekek, Bandung, West Java by using Geostationary Satellite: presented by Rion Salman, Indonesian VLab Centre of Excellence. 10 minute duration (79Mb .mp4). Post presentation discussion (37Mb .mp4)
  • Seasonal Color Change of the Forest in True Colour Reproduction (TCR) Imagery: recording by Shiro Omori, Japan Meteorological Agency. 8 minute duration (including summary). (37Mb .mp4)

21th November 2024 Regional Focus Group meeting (122)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Introducing the Beta software version of the LightningCast thunderstorm prediction algorithm for application over the Australasia-Pacific region: presented by Dr Scott Lindstrom, Space Science and Engineering Centre (SSEC) University of Wisconsin Madison. 15 minutes duration (50Mb .mp4 Post presentation Discussion (37Mb .mp4)
  • Celebrating 11 years of Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meetings: Presented by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 14 minutes duration (45Mb .mp4
  • An update to the 14th Asia-Oceania Meteorological Satellite User's Conference (AOMSUC-14): Presenter(s) still to be determined. 7 minutes duration (21Mb .mp4)
Scott has kindly made available the .pdf file of his presentation at this LINK.

29th August 2024 Regional Focus Group meeting (121)

Topic of discussion included:

  • A Weather and Forecast Discussion, including a short Regional Case Study highlighting the application of web-based Satellite Data and Data Products  (presented by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre). Recording 42 minutes duration (196Mb .mp4)
  • Information about the 14th Asia Oceania Meteorological Satellite User Conference (AOMSUC-14) Training Event and Conference (presented by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre). Recording 6 minutes duration (19Mb .mp4)
9th July 2024 Regional Focus Group meeting (120)

Topic of discussion included:

  • Utilization of Meteorological Satellite Data in Cloud Analysis  (presented by Mr Shiro Omori, Senior Coordinator for Satellite Data Quality, Meteorological Satellite Center, Japan Meteorological Agency).  Presentation (.pdf version) HERE. Reference document HERE. Recording 10 minutes duration (27Mb .mp4)
  • Verification and Case Studies of JMA's Rapidly Developing Cumulus Area (RDCA) Product (presented by Hiroshi Suzue, Scientific Officer, Office of Meteorological Analysis and Application Development, Administration Division, Atmosphere and Ocean Department, Japan Meteorological Agency). Presentation (.pdf version) HERE. Recording 11 minutes (47Mb .mp4)
  • Thunderstorms and associated Lightning over Maritime Areas with a Pacific Ocean Case Study (presented by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre). Presentation (.pdf version) HERE. Recording 26 minutes (101Mb .mp4)
13th June 2024 Regional Focus Group meeting (119)

Topic of discussion included:

  • Using LightningCast Probabilities as an Aviation Tool  (presented by Dr Scott Lindstrom, Space Science and Engineering Centre (SSEC) University of Wisconsin Madison). 15 minutes duration (131Mb .mp4 Post presentation Discussion (13Mb .mp4)
  • Monitoring of Lightning associated with Thunderstorms over Fiji (presented by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre). 16 minutes duration (65Mb .mp4 Post presentation Discussion (18Mb .mp4)
  • An Indonesian case study demonstrating the versatility of using the CIRA ProxyVIS imagery (presented by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre). 13 minutes duration (87Mb .mp4)
18th April 2024 Regional Focus Group meeting (118)

Topic of discussion included:

  • The development and non-development of Tropical Cyclone Lincoln, February 2024: Presented by Joe Courtney, Senior Meteorologist, Tropical Cyclone Department, Australian Bureau of Meteorology. 55 minutes duration (233Mb .mp4)

29th February 2024 Regional Focus Group meeting (117)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Utilisation of the Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) dataset. Presented by Nao Yoshida, Earth Observation Research Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). 27 minutes duration (110Mb .mp4)
  • A case study utilising GSMaP data. Presented by Nao Yoshida, Earth Observation Research Center, JAXA. 7 minutes duration (75Mb .mp4)
  • Delay in receipt of geostationary satellite data as observed when using various Bureau satellite image viewers. Presented by Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 16 minutes duration (50Mb .mp4)
The .pdf file of Yoshida-san's first presentation is attached HERE

 14th December 2023 Regional Focus Group meeting (116)

Topics of discussion included:

  • The eruption of Mount Ulawun, Papua New Guinea. Presented by Kazutaka Yamada, Japan Meteorological Agency. 5 minutes duration (52Mb .mp4)
  • Wildfires on the island of Maui in Hawai'i. Using satellite data to describe a fire prone environment. Presented by Dr Jordan Gerth, NOAA/NWS. 13 minutes duration (53Mb .mp4)
  • Cold Surge Shear Lines: The Case of 20 November 2023 Heavy Rain Event. Presented by Ella Marie Sorino, PAGASA, Philippines. 11 minutes duration (181Mb .mp4)
  • TC Gabrielle's impact on the North Island of New Zealand. Note: there were some technical issues during this presentation so Chris Webster of MetService New Zealand has kindly agreed to reschedule his presentation to the upcoming First Indonesian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meeting of January 2024.
  • Detection of Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) over the Banda Sea, Maluku. Presented by Rion Salman, Indonesian VLab CoE. 10 minutes duration (124Mb .mp4)
  • Satellite Imagery with a Tornado in Myanmar. Presented by Dr Scott Lindstrom, SSEC University of Wisconsin Madison. 15 minute duration (103Mb .mp4)

 30th November 2023 Regional Focus Group meeting (115)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Celebrating 10 years of Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meetings. Presented by Dr Mick Pope and Mr Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 17 minutes duration (58Mb .mp4)
  • A summary of the 13th Asia Oceania Meteorological Satellite User Conference (AOMSUC-13) Training Event. Presented by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 13 minutes duration (37Mb .mp4)
  • A summary of the AOMSUC-13 Conference. Presented by Rion Salman, BMKG Indonesia. 13 minutes duration (33Mb .mp4)
  • A summary of the Joint RAII and RAV Coordination meeting. Presented by Agnes Lane, Senior Manager, Satellite Earth Observation Planning and Coordination, Australian Bureau of Meteorology. 13 minutes duration (33Mb .mp4)

 26th September 2023 Regional Focus Group meeting (114)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Introducing the Indonesian VLab Centre of Excellence. Presented by Roro Yuliana Purwanti and Anni Arumsari Fitriany, BMKG Indonesia Training Centre. 21 minutes duration (52Mb .mp4)
  • Early Warning System for Land and Forest Fires in Indonesia. Presented by Teguh Setiawan, BMKG Indonesia Public Weather Services. 26 minutes duration (85Mb .mp4)
  • An update to the 13th Asia-Oceania Meteorological Satellite User's Conference. Presented by Kwangmyung Song, Korea Meteorological Administration. 7 minutes duration (22Mb .mp4)

 29th August 2023 Regional Focus Group meeting (113)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Heavy rainfall and flooding event over Samoa, 8th June 2023. Presented by Silipa Mulitalo, Samoa Meteorological Service and Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 33 minutes duration (150Mb .mp4)
  • Post presentation discussion. 5 minutes duration (30Mb .mp4)
  • An example how the "Polar SLIDER" viewer can be utilized over the Australasia Pacific region: Aurora Australis event of the 24/25th April 2023. Presented by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 15 minutes duration (45Mb .mp4)

1st August 2023 Regional Focus Group meeting (112)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Overview of the CIRA SLIDER viewer, including new satellites, new features, new products. Presented by Dr Curtis Seaman, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University.
  • Some examples of how SLIDER can be utilised over the Australasia Pacific region. Presented by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. These included:
    • System-centric animation over Super Typhoon Doksuri, using GK-2A data.
    • Monitoring the breakdown of the ITCZ / Monsoon Trough over the western Pacific Ocean using Himawari-9 data.
    • GOES-18 Global Lightning Mapper over Pacific locations.

Recording of the session, 57 minute duration  (523Mb .mp4)

29th June 2023 Regional Focus Group meeting (111)

Topics of discussion included:

  • A Weather and Forecast Discussion, including two short case studies showcasing the application of satellite data and data products. Session facilitated by Bodo Zeschke, Australian VLab Centre of Excellence. 41 minutes duration (310Mb .mp4)
  • Case studies included:
    • Monitoring of low level cloud lines over Indonesia and the South China Sea, June 2023
    • Widespread frost event, southeastern Australia, 21st June 2023
  • First Anouncement of the AOMSUC-13 Training Event and Conference. Session facilitated by Mr Kwangmyung Song, Korea Meteorological Administration. 6 minutes duration (23Mb .mp4)

30th May 2023 Regional Focus Group meeting (110)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Summary of the 2023 Local Training Course on capacity building for the reception and utilisation of GK2A data for forecasting and warning of natural disasters in Cambodia. Session facilitated by Dr Jinho Shin, Korea Meteorological Administration / Korea VLab Centre of Excellence. 19 minutes duration (80Mb .mp4)
  • Early notice of the AOMSUC-13 Training Course and Conference. Session facilitated by Dr Jinho Shin, Korea Meteorological Administration / Korea VLab Centre of Excellence. (contained in the above recording)
  • Provincial-Basis NWP Models Evaluation of Indonesia. Session facilitated by Mr Nanda Alfuadi, BMKG Indonesia. 24 minutes duration (65Mb .mp4
  • Rendering GEO-KOMPSAT-2A and Himawari-9 satellite imagery using the versatile CIRA/SLIDER satellite data viewer. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 8 minutes duration (56Mb .mp4)

21st March 2023 Regional Focus Group meeting (109)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR) case studies over the Pacific area. Session facilitated by Dr Scott Lindstrom, Space Science and Engineering Centre (SSEC) University of Wisconsin Madison. 25 minutes duration (105Mb .mp4)
  • Post presentation question and answer session. Also presenting a SAR resource over the Australasia Pacific region forwarded by Dr Salman Saeed Khan, CSIRO Aspendale. 5 minutes duration (21Mb .mp4)
  • A Weather and Forecast Discussion. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 31 minutes duration (140Mb .mp4)

21st February 2023 Regional Focus Group meeting (108)

Topic of discussion included:

  • The heavy rainfall and flooding event over Auckland, New Zealand, 27th January 2023. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. Input by Chris Webster MetService New Zealand and Dr Scott Lindstrom SSEC University of Wisconsin Madison. 57 minutes duration (315Mb .mp4). Caution: this recording is a little large.

31st January 2023 Regional Focus Group meeting (107)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Launch of Meteosat Third Generation-Imager 1 (MTG-I1) as observed from geostationary orbit by GOES-16. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 10 minutes duration (34Mb .mp4)
  • Multiple vortices in the water vapour imagery over the Tasman Sea. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 16 minutes duration (100Mb .mp4)
  • Heavy Summer Rainfall over South Korea. Session facilitated by Dr Jinho Shin, Korea VLab Centre of Excellence. 30 minutes duration (84Mb .mp4)

15th December 2022 Regional Focus Group meeting (106)

Presentation and Discussion of the most Significant or Favourite events of the Year 2022 as revealed in Satellite Imagery: Examples forwarded by Colleagues:

  • Tonga Eruption revisited. Session facilitiated by Kazutaka Yamada, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).
  • Typhoon Nanmadol. Session facilitiated by Kazutaka Yamada, JMA. Both JMA sessions 10 minutes duration (97Mb .mp4)
  • Cloud Streets over New Zealand. Session facilitated by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre (BMTC). Resources provided by Chris Webster, Met Service New Zealand. 4 minute duration (25Mb .mp4)
  • Mauna Loa Eruption. Session facilitated by Jennifer Strahl, NOAA/ University of Hawai'i. 13 minutes duration (78Mb .mp4)
  • Ring Structures in GOES-17 infrared imagery over Hawai'i island. Session facilitated by Dr Jordan Gerth, NOAA/NWS. 6 minutes duration (18Mb .mp4)
  • SAR data and Lightning Cast Probabilities over Guam. Sessions facilitated by Dr Scott Lindstrom University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Hurricanes Ian and Charley at landfall. Session facilitated by Scott Lindstrom University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Convection Initiation in the Night Microphysics RGB. Session facilitated by Dr Scott Lindstrom University of Wisconsin-Madison. All four of Scott's presentations and session conclusion 19 minutes duration (63Mb .mp4)

14th November 2022 Regional Focus Group meeting (as presented during the AOMSUC-12 Training Event) (105)

Topics of discussion included:

  • A brief review of the AOMSUC-12 Pre-Survey results. Session facilitiated by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre.
  • Exploring useful satellite meteorology resources on the Australian VLab CoE Regional Focus Group archive. Session facilitated by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. Both of the above sessions, 25 minutes duration (101Mb .mp4)
  • Explore the FENGYUN satellite resources and applications. Session facilitated by Mr XIAN Di National Satellite Meteorological Centre, China Meteorological Administration. 41 minutes duration (518Mb .mp4) Caution: 1 minute satellite data included so the recording is large.

27th October 2022 Regional Focus Group meeting (104)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Celebrating 9 years of the Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meetings. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 14 minutes duration (52Mb .mp4)
  • Highlights of the Advancing Earth Observation Forum, Brisbane, August 2022. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 28 minutes duration (90Mb .mp4)
  • An update to the 12th Asia Oceania Meteorological Satellite User Conference Training Event. Session facilitated by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre with a contribution by Mr Takuya Sakashita, Japan Meteorological Agency. 6 minutes duration (18Mb .mp4)

29th September 2022 Regional Focus Group meeting (103)

Topics of discussion included:

  • RGB composite examples adapted to low latitude tropical areas and to high latitude winter times, with a focus on the Australasia Pacific region. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 31 minutes duration (164Mb .mp4)
  • RGB Cloud Phase Distance Receipt on Tropical Region. Session facilitated by Mr Rion Salman, BMKG Indonesia. 7 minutes duration (35Mb .mp4)
  • A brief introduction to the 12th Asia Oceania Meteorological Satellite User Conference Training Event. Session facilitated by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre with a contribution by Mr Takuya Sakashita Satellite Program Division, Information Infrastructure Department, Japan Meteorological Agency. 6 minutes duration (20Mb .mp4)

18th August 2022 Regional Focus Group meeting (102)

Topics of discussion included:

  • The significant Swell Event in the Pacific Ocean during 11-17th July, as monitored by satellite and surface observations and NWP data. Session facilitated by Bodo Zeschke, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre 31 minutes duration (147Mb .mp4)
  • Altimetric wave heights and how to view them efficiently. Session facilitated by Scott Lindstrom, SSEC University of Wisconsin-Madison 8 minutes duration(20Mb .mp4)
The .pdf file of the presentations is attached HERE

28th June 2022 Regional Focus Group meeting (101)

Topic of discussion included:

  • The Future of the VLab: what will the 200th Australian VLab CoE Regional Focus Group meeting, tentatively scheduled for January 2031 be like? Session facilitated by Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre

Note the recording of this session was not successful. The .pdf file with comment slides is attached HERE

Animation 1 (2Mb)

100th Australian VLab CoE Regional Focus Group meeting, 27th May 2022

Topics of discussion included:

  • Short presentations by VLab Coordinators 28 minutes duration (69Mb .mp4)
    • Jeff Wilson, former VLab Co-Chair .Vimeo recording HERE 
    • Dr Mick Pope, Manager, Australian VLab Centre of Excellence
    • Roger Deslandes, former Manager, Australian VLab Centre of Excellence
    • Kunimatsu Hiroshi, Director, Data Processing Department, Meteorological Satellite Centre, Japan Meteorological Agency
    • Dr Bernie Connell, current Co-Chair of the WMO CGMS VLMG
  • A brief summary of the past 100 Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meetings since 2013, with highlights. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre 23 minutes duration (69Mb .mp4
    • Contribution by Roro Purwanti BMKG, Vimeo recording HERE

26th April 2022 Regional Focus Group meeting (99)

Topic of discussion included:

  • Investigating a Cold Front case study utilising satellite data. Session facilitated by Mr Xian Di, National Satellite Meteorological Centre, China Meteorological Administration 28 minutes duration (152Mb .mp4).
  • A short case study of the Hector thunderstorm over northern Australia; utilising satellite data in combination with other observational data and high resolution NWP model data. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre 25 minutes duration (124Mb .mp4).

29th March 2022 Regional Focus Group meeting (98)

Topic of discussion included:

  • On the rapid intensification and weakening of Tropical Cyclones Vernon and Charlotte. Session facilitated by Mr Joe Courtney, Bureau of Meteorology, Perth, Western Australia 59 minutes duration (176Mb .mp4).

 Joe has kindly made available the .pdf file of his presentation at this LINK.

24th February 2022 Regional Focus Group meeting (97)

Topic of discussion included:

  • The eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano, 15th January 2022, presenting forecaster feedback and useful websites and web resources. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke , Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre 49 minutes duration (182Mb .mp4)

 27th January 2022 Regional Focus Group meeting (96)

Presentation and Discussion of the most Significant or Favourite events of the Year 2021 as revealed in Satellite Imagery: Examples forwarded by Colleagues (Part 2):

  • Eruption of the undersea volcano Fukutoku-Okanoba and Introduction Example provided by Taro Handa, Japan Meteorological Agency. 10 minutes duration (35Mb .mp4)
  • Eruption of Manam Volcano, Papua New Guinea, Beijing Sandstorm, Central USA Convection Examples provided by Scott Lindstrom, SSEC University of Wisconsin Madison 8 minutes duration (49Mb .mp4)
  • Mega Squall Line over Peninsular Malaysia Example provided by Songhan Wong, NEA Singapore 8 minutes duration (60Mb .mp4)
  • Ambon Island Flooding Example provided by Rion Salman, BMKG Indonesia. 11 minutes duration (53Mb .mp4)
  • Philippine Flooding and Conclusion. Example provided by William Straka, SSEC University of Wisconsin Madison 7 minutes duration (19Mb .mp4)

 16th December 2021 Regional Focus Group meeting (95)

Presentation and Discussion of the most Significant or Favourite events of the Year 2021 as revealed in Satellite Imagery: Examples forwarded by Colleagues:

  • Tropical Cyclone 05B "Jawad" and Introduction Example provided by U Kyaw Lwin Oo, Myanmar Department of Meteorology and Hydrology. 5 minutes duration (32Mb .mp4)
  • Formation of Tropical Cyclone 05U "Teratai" Example provided by Joe Courtney, Australian Bureau of Meteorology. 3 minutes duration (9Mb .mp4)
  • Baroclinic Leaf Over New Zealand / Mountain Waves over Tasmania Example provided by Chris Webster, New Zealand Met Service 11 minutes duration (52Mb .mp4)
  • A Kona Low impacting Hawaii Example provided by Jordan Gerth, NOAA. 11 minutes duration (60Mb .mp4)
  • Korea Heatwave Example provided by Ok Hee Kim, Korea Meteorological Administration. 6 minutes duration (26Mb .mp4)
  • La Soufriere volcanic eruption in 1-minute imagery, Karymsky volcanic eruption Russia, Dixie-Caldor Fire California in the Day/Night band, Lunar Eclipse USA in the Day/Night band, the Shadow of Danali USA and Conclusion. Examples provided by Scott Lindstrom, SSEC University of Wisconsin Madison 19 minutes duration (67Mb .mp4)

30th November 2021 Regional Focus Group meeting (94)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Investigating the Northeast Monsoon Surge over the South China Sea, 22nd November 2021, spectacularly expressed in satellite imagery Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre 32 minutes duration (162Mb .mp4)
  • A brief summary of the Asia Oceania Meteorological Satellite User Conference 11 (AOMSUC-11) Training Event. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 13 minutes duration (34Mb .mp4)

29th October 2021 Regional Focus Group meeting, as presented during the AOMSUC-11 Training Event (93)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Summary of the recent achievements of the environment disaster and agriculture monitoring using FengYun satellites. Session facilitated by Mr Gao Hao , Division of Remote Sensing Data Application, National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration 28 minutes duration (48Mb .mp4) (.pdf file of the presentation HERE)
  • Celebrating 8 years of the Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meetings, with a summary of the past two years. Session facilitated by Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre. 16 minutes duration (27Mb .mp4) (.pdf flie of the presentation HERE)

 30th September 2021 Regional Focus Group meeting (92)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Outline and summary of the Online 2021 BMTC Graduate Diploma of Meteorology Aviation Forecast Simulation, including three short case studies, (Mr Bodo Zeschke Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre) 13 minutes duration (37Mb .mp4)
  1. Warm cloud top thunderstorms over northern Queensland, 14th September 2021 14 minutes duration (62Mb .mp4)
  2. Interpretation of an unusual Airmass RGB signture over the Australian region, 13th September 2021 9 minutes duration (50Mb .mp4)
  3. Anomalous signature detected by meteorological RADAR 4 minutes duration (33Mb .mp4)
  • Update on the AOMSUC-11 Training Event (Mr Bodo Zeschke Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre) 4 minutes duration (9Mb .mp4)

31st August 2021 Regional Focus Group meeting (91)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Application of GEO-KOMPSAT-2A Data for Severe Weather Detection, (Ms Ok Hee Kim, Research Scientist, Satellite Analysis Division, NMSC, Korea Meteorological Administration) 41 minutes duration (104Mb .mp4)
  • Post presentation question and answer session, including a brief introduction to the 11th Asia Oceania Meteorological Satellite User Conference (AOMSUC-11) (Mr Bodo Zeschke Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre) 12 minutes duration (31Mb .mp4)
Ok Hee has kindly made available the .pdf file of her presentation at this LINK.

20th July 2021 Regional Focus Group meeting (90)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Weather and Forecast Discussion, (Mr Bodo Zeschke Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre) 22 minutes duration (62Mb .mp4)
  • The remarkable development of Sumatra Squall Line SQL-31 "Xavi" (Mr Bodo Zeschke Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre) 27 minutes duration (128Mb .mp4)

8th June 2021 Regional Focus Group meeting (89)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Introduction to the Fengyun satellite data product validation and the new Fengyun satellites, (Mr XIAN Di National Satellite Meteorological Centre, China Meteorological Administration) 40 minutes duration (93Mb .mp4)
  • The evolution of a low-level lee vortex and the development of convection over northern Luzon, Philippines (Mr Bodo Zeschke Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre) 17 minutes duration (98Mb .mp4)

7th May 2021 Regional Focus Group meeting (88)

Topic of discussion included:

  • Overview of the Atypical Rapid Intensification Process of Tropical Cyclones (Dr. David Ryglicki, Marine Meteorology Division, Naval Research Laboratory, California, CA)

30th March 2021 Regional Focus Group meeting (87)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Weather and Forecast Discussion with a focus on the recent heavy rainfall event over eastern Australia, March 2021 (Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 28 minutes duration (122Mb .mp4)
  • Summary of work conducted on 3D stereo satellite imagery by the Australian VLab Centre of Excellence. Highlights of the contribution to the MTG Forum #8 (Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 21 minutes duration (54Mb .mp4)

16th February 2021 Regional Focus Group meeting (86)

Topic of discussion included:

  • The Australian season of non developers? A review of recent tropical lows: 08, 10, 11 and 12U (facilitator Mr Joe Courtney BMTC) 60 minutes duration (160Mb .mp4 file)
Joe has kindly made available the .pdf file of his presentation at this LINK.

9th December 2020 Regional Focus Group meeting (85)

Topics of discussion included:

  • 2020/21 Tropical Cyclone pre-season update (facilitator Mr Joe Courtney BMTC) 47 minutes duration (170Mb .mp4 file)
  • Post presentation Question and Answer session with Joe Courtney 6 minutes duration (23Mb .mp4 file)
Joe has kindly made available the .pdf file of his presentation at this LINK.

23rd November 2020 Regional Focus Group meeting (84)

Topics of discussion included:

  • An introduction to the NOAA Global LEO/GEO Flood Product (facilitator William Straka III Researcher, SSEC/CIMSS, NOAA/JPSS) 27 minutes duration (78Mb .mp4 file)
  • Post presentation Question and Answer session with William Straka 22 minutes duration (58Mb .mp4 file)

Additional resources:

20th October 2020 Regional Focus Group meeting (83)

Topics of discussion include

  • Seven years of Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meetings (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre) 17 minutes duration (90Mb .mp4 file)
  • Overview of the RAMMB/CIRA SLIDER website (facilitator Dr Curtis Seaman, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University) 42 minutes duration (367Mb .mp4 file)

Additional resources:

24th September 2020 Regional Focus Group meeting (82)

Topics of discussion include

  • Introduction (facilitator Mr WEN Bo Director of Education Administration Office, China Meteorological Administration Training Centre) 6 minutes duration (34Mb .mp4 file)
  • Fengyun Satellite Data Sharing System (faciltator Mr XIAN Di China Meteorological Administration National Satellite Meteorological Centre) 26 minutes duration (103Mb .mp4 file)
  • Exploring Quick Guides for Derived Quantitative Satellite Products (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre) 14 minutes duration (97Mb .mp4 file)
  • Advertising the 2020 Pacific Desk Webinar Series (facilitator Ms. Jennifer Strahl, Meteorologist – Instructor, Pacific International Training Desk NOAA-NWS / UH-TASI Hawaii) 9 minutes duration (36Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animation prior to the session

Animation 1 (8Mb)

13th August 2020 Regional Focus Group meeting (81)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Satellite analysis for Tropical Cyclone over KMA (facilitator Mr. Jun Park KMA) 31 minutes duration (113Mb .mp4 file) .pdf file HERE
  • Designing the Indelible Moment of OGD#100; a celebration of the 100th Online Group discussion by BMKG Indonesia (facilitator Ms. Ratih Prasetya, BMKG Indonesia) 31 minutes duration (159Mb .mp4 file) .pdf file HERE
The link to the YouTube channel where BMKG Indonesia upload their OGD recordings is HERE

3rd July 2020 Regional Focus Group meeting (80)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Use of web based satellite meteorology resources for effective remote training and assessment during COVID-19 (facilitator Mr. Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 21 minutes duration (96Mb .wmvfile) (98Mb .mp4 file)
  • Weather Analysis with Satellite Weather Application (SWAP) 2.0 (facilitator Mr. Xian Di, CMA National Satellite Meteorological Centre) 34 minutes duration (162Mb .wmvfile) (162Mb .mp4 file)

11th June 2020 Regional Focus Group meeting (79)

Topics of discussion included:

  • A brief summary of the Technical Interchange Teleconference between NOAA, JMA and BOM 6/7th April 2020 (facilitator Mr. Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 29 minutes duration (92Mb .wmvfile) (85Mb .mp4file)
  • How good was Big Blue Button in hosting the April 2020 RFG meeting? A summary of participants feedback (facilitator Mr. Bodo Zeschke BMTC). 10 minutes duration (33Mb .wmvfile) (30Mb .mp4file)

The .pdf file of his presentation is at this LINK.

Report on the comparison in using Big Blue Button and GoToWebinar during Regional Focus Group meetings

29th April 2020 Regional Focus Group meeting (78)

Topic of discussion included:

  • Tropical Cyclone Harold: Intensity and structural variations using microwave and scatterometry (facilitator Mr. Joe Courtney BMTC) 60 minutes duration (141Mb .wmvfile) (152Mb .mp4file)

Joe has kindly made available the .pdf file of his presentation at this LINK.

26th February 2020 Regional Focus Group meeting (77)

Topic of discussion included:

Joe has kindly made available the .pdf file of his presentation at this LINK.

30th January 2020 Regional Focus Group meeting (76)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Extreme rain over Jabodetabek on the first day of 2020 (facilitator Mr. Idhan Abubakar BMKG Indonesia) 26 minutes duration (32Mb .wmvfile) (66Mb .mp4file)
  • A brief summary of the Asia Oceania Meteorological Satellite User Conference 10 (AOMSUC-10) Training Event (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 3 minutes duration (3Mb .wmvfile) (6Mb .mp4file)
  • Cloud identification from satellite imagery (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 24 minutes duration (23Mb .wmvfile) (45Mb .mp4file)

Please download the following animation prior to the session

Animation 1 (179Mb)

Animation 2 (19Mb)

3rd December 2019 Regional Focus Group meeting (as presented during the AOMSUC-10 Training Event) (75)

Topic of discussion included:

Accessing Aviation Forecasting Resources Utilising Satellite Data on our Regional Focus Group Meeting Archive (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 30 minutes duration (32Mb .wmvfile)  (60Mb .mp4file)

29th October 2019 Regional Focus Group meeting (74)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Some applications of weather monitoring using GEO-KOMPSAT-2A meteorological products(facilitator Dr Sung-Rae Chung, Korea Meteorological Administration) 21 minutes duration (34Mb .wmvfile)  (52Mb .mp4file)
  • Three short case studies, including outflow from convection over Australia, 3D stereo satellite imagery over Japan and the sunglint phenomenon over Indonesia (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 26 minutes duration (84Mb .wmvfile)  (102Mb .mp4file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session

Dr Sung Rae Chung presentation

Animation 1 (23Mb)

Bodo Zeschke presentation

Animation 1 (29Mb)

Animation 2 (13Mb)

Animation 3 (12Mb)

Animation 4 (34Mb)

Animation 5 (25Mb)

Animation 6 (2Mb)

Animation 7 (18Mb)

26th September 2019 Regional Focus Group meeting (73)

Topic of discussion included:

  • Six years of Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meetings (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 7 minutes duration (9Mb .wmvfile)  (17Mb .mp4file)
  • Introducing the Asia Oceania Meteorological Satellite User Conference 10 (AOMSUC-10) (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 4 minutes duration (5Mb .wmvfile)  (9Mb .mp4 file)
  • Examination of Global Lightning Data with reference to the influence of Atmospheric Particulates on Lightning Activity (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 35 minutes duration (68Mb .wmvfile)  (105Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session

Animation 1 (13Mb)

Animation 2 (11Mb)

Animation 3 (7Mb)

 29th August 2019 Regional Focus Group meeting (72)

Topic of discussion included:

  • A case study of Typhoon / Tropical Storm Krosa, including the High Resolution Himawari-8 Target Area Observations of the mesovortices within the centre of the system; 14th August 2019  (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke, BMTC) 45 minutes duration (125Mb .wmvfile)  (162Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (17Mb)

Animation 2 (40Mb)

Animation 3 (14Mb)

Animation 4 (13Mb)

Animation 5 (22Mb)

Animation 6 (22Mb)

Animation 7 (25Mb)

 29th July 2019 Regional Focus Group meeting (71)

Topics of discussion included:

  • The GEO-KOMPSAT-2A AMI Data Service Plan (facilitator Mr Hyunjong Oh National Meteorological Satellite Centre KMA) 25 minutes duration (26Mb .wmvfile)  (46Mb .mp4 file)
  • Examining various techniques in utilising 10 minute and 2.5 minute satellite data in meteorological analysis and diagnosis (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 28 minutes duration (112Mb .wmvfile)  (121Mb .mp4 file)

 Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (23Mb)

Animation 2 (40Mb)

Animation 3 (11Mb)

Animation 4 (8Mb)

Animation 5 (40Mb)

Animation 6 (33Mb)

4th July 2019 Regional Focus Group meeting (70)

Topics of discussion included:

  • A Weather and Forecast discussion (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC)
  • A case study of the Ulawun volcanic eruption of 26th June 2019, showcasing the application of Himawari-8 and GOES-17 satellite data and data products (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC)

Note the recorded file could not be edited. Please refer to the .pdf file at this LINK.

Please download the following animation prior to the session:

Animation 1 (10Mb)

28th May 2019 Regional Focus Group meeting (69)

Topics of discussion included:

  • High Resolution Himawari-8 Target Area Observation case study of Tropical Cyclone Veronica, 23-25th March 2019 (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 29 minutes duration (72Mb .wmvfile)  (96Mb .mp4 file)
  • Utilising time-lapse video camera data capturing important features of thunderstorm development for teaching purposes: a Darwin case study (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 15 minutes duration (24Mb .wmvfile)  (34Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (17Mb)

Animation 2 (13Mb)

Animation 3 (16Mb)

Animation 4 (61Mb)

Animation 5 (9Mb)

Animation 6 (7Mb)

Animation 7 (5Mb)

30th April 2019 Regional Focus Group meeting (68)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Introducing KMA's modified Dust RGB composite for improved detection of weak dust events (facilitator Dr Hyesook Park KMA) 28 minutes duration (108Mb .wmvfile)  (131Mb .mp4 file)
  • Examining various MODIS Aqua and Terra and Himawari-8 satellite products for monitoring the Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre floods, Central Australia, 30 March to 11 April 2019 (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 20 minutes duration (34Mb .wmvfile)  (55Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animaitions prior to the session:

Animation K1 (93Mb)

Animation K2 (34Mb)

Animation K3 (60Mb)

Animation A1 (6Mb)

Animation A2 (4Mb)

Animation A3 (6Mb)

Animation A4 (22Mb)

26th March 2019 Regional Focus Group meeting (67)

Topics of discussion included:

High Resolution Himawari-8 Target Area Observation case study of the Bunyip and Licola fires in southeastern Australia, including an evaluation of the Fire Temperature RGB product (facilitator Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC)

  • Introduction to the High Resolution Himawari-8 Target Area Observations and the Bunyip fire situation of the 2nd March 2018 21 minutes duration (21Mb .wmv file)  (48Mb .mp4 file)
  • Examination of the Fire Temperature RGB and the Bunyip fire situation overnight 2nd / 3rd March 2018 13 minutes duration (21Mb .wmvfile)  (29Mb .mp4 file)
  • Examination of the Licola Fire, 3rd March utilising High Resolution Himawari-8 Target Area Observations 15 minutes duration (41Mb .wmvfile)  (47Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (24Mb)

Animation 2 (9Mb)

Animation 3 (3Mb)

Animation 4 (55Mb)

19th Febuary 2019 Regional Focus Group meeting (66)

Topics of discussion included:

  • First GEOKOMPSAT-2A image presented in 3D stereo view with Himawari-8 image (facilitator Mr. Bodo Zeschke, BMTC) 5 minutes duration (5Mb .wmv file)  (9Mb .mp4 file)
  • Satellite measurement of surface winds for Tropical Cyclones: Current and emerging imagers (facilitator Mr. Joe Courtney, BMTC) 51 minutes duration (51Mb .wmvfile)  (87Mb .mp4 file)

Mr Joe Courtney has kindly agreed to provided a copy of his presentation. This is presented as a pdf file HERE.

29th January 2019 Regional Focus Group meeting (65)

Topics of discussion included:

  • A Weather and Forecast Discussion (facilitator Mr. Bodo Zeschke, BMTC) 24 minutes duration (28Mb .wmv file)  (56Mb .mp4 file)
  • The potential of 3D stereo satellite imagery over WMO RAV and RAII, referencing existing resources from the USA (facilitator Mr. Bodo Zeschke, BMTC) 23 minutes duration (61Mb .wmv file)  (67Mb .mp4 file)

Please download and examine the following animations prior to the session.

Animation 1 (animation courtesy Scott Lindstrom SSEC)

Animation 2 (animation courtesy Scott Lindstrom SSEC)

Animation 3 (24Mb)

Tips for viewing Animations 1 and 2 are presented here and here.

18th December 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (64)

Topics of discussion included:

  • High Resolution Himawari-8 Target Area Observation case study of the recent Queensland fires (facilitator Mr. Bodo Zeschke, BMTC) 22 minutes duration (73Mb .wmv file)  (77Mb .mp4 file)
  • Introduction to the service plans of GEO-KOMPSAT-2A satellite (facilitator Dr. Sung-Rae Chung, Korea Meteorological Administration) 30 minutes duration (27Mb .wmv file)  (47Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (43Mb)

Animation 2 (10Mb)

Animation 3 (8Mb)

Animation 4 (21Mb)

27th November 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (63)

Topics of discussion included:

  • A brief summary of the Technical Interchange Teleconference between NOAA, JMA and BOM 8 November 2018 including latest updates pertaining to the GOES-17 satellite and experimental RGB products as applied to Himawari-8 data (Mr. Bodo Zeschke, BMTC) 6 minutes duration (10Mb .wmv file)  (17Mb .mp4 file)
  • Evaluation of synthetic satellite and radar data for a severe thunderstorm Australian case study (Mr. Bodo Zeschke, BMTC)  17 minutes duration (18Mb .wmv file)  (35Mb .mp4 file)
  • Analysis of Cumulonimbus development over the Ambon region of Indonesia using Himawari-8 satellite data (Mr. Rion Salman, Forecaster of Pattimura Meteorological Station BMKG Indonesia) 27 minutes duration (26Mb .wmv file)  (39Mb .mp4 file)

30th October 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (62)

Topics of discussion included:

  • A brief overview of AOMSUC-9 held in Jakarta and Citeko, Indonesia, showcasing some interesting manipulation of satellite data (Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 21 minutes duration (42Mb .wmv file)  (52Mb .mp4 file)
  • Application of Airmass RGB imagery (Ms OkHee Kim, Research Scientist, Satellite Analysis Division, NMSC, Korea Meteorological Administration) 32 minutes duration (41Mb .wmv file)  (76Mb .mp4 file)

Ms Kim has kindly agreed to provided a copy of her presentation. This is presented as a pdf file HERE.

Please downlaod the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (5Mb)

Animation 2 (17Mb)

Animation 3 (11Mb)

Animation 4 (14Mb)

Animation 5 (7Mb)

Animation 6 (5Mb)

Animation 7 (5Mb)

Animation 8 (6Mb)

2nd October 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (61)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Celebrating our 5th year of Regional Focus Group meetings (facilitator Mr. Bodo Zeschke, BMTC) 9 minutes duration (10Mb .wmv file)  (18Mb .mp4 file)
  • Detecting and forecasting Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification (facilitator Mr. Joe Courtney, BMTC) 48 minutes duration (44Mb .wmv file)  (81Mb .mp4 file)

Joe has kindly provided a copy of his presentation as a pdf file HERE.

18th September 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (60)

Topics of discussion included:

Effective use of online satellite meteorology recordings and other online resources to facilitate satellite meteorology training (facilitator Mr. Bodo Zeschke, BMTC) 24 minutes duration (27Mb .wmv file)  (56Mb .mp4 file)
Three short case studies utilising Himawari-8 RGB products as encountered during our BMTC Forecast Simulation (facilitator Mr. Bodo Zeschke, BMTC)

Please download the following animations prior to the session

Animation 1 (37Mb)

Animation 2 (17Mb)

Animation 3 (13Mb)

14th August 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (59)

Topics of discussion included:

A Weather and Forecast Discussion (Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 24 minutes duration (26Mb .wmv file)  (50Mb .mp4 file)
Two short case studies, showcasing the application of satellite data and data products:

Please downlaod the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (9Mb)

Animation 2 (1Mb)

Animation 3 (10Mb)

31st July 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (58)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Developments in the True Colour RGB (Rayleigh scattering corrected and uncorrected) within the Bureau of Meteorology for fog, smoke, dust, volcanic ash case studies (Mr. Bodo Zeschke, BMTC) 27 minutes duration (46Mb .wmv file)  (69Mb .mp4 file)
  • Characteristics of satellite products for the detection of Asian dust compared to surface observations (Dr Hyesook Park, Korea Meteorological Administration) 27 minutes duration (31Mb .wmv file)  (63Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session

Animation 1 (19Mb)

Animation 2 (13Mb)

Animation 3 (16Mb)

Animation 4 (16Mb)

Animation 5 (42Mb)

Animation 6 (16Mb)

10th July 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (57)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Utilising microwave data from polar orbiting satellites and Himawari-8 data for the forecasting and nowcasting of heavy rainfall events including a case study from North Queensland  (Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 30 minutes duration (41Mb .wmv file)  (71Mb .mp4 file)
  • Meteorological Overview of a Heavy Rain Event over Java Island during the Dry Period (Mr Teguh Setyawan BMKG Indonesia) 21 minutes duration (18Mb .wmv file)  (31Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following aninmation prior to the session

Animation1 (20Mb)

28th June 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (56)

Topics of discussion included:

  • Analysis of an upper atmosphere Potential Vorticity anomaly approaching Tasmania using NWP, Himawari-8 RGB data and other observations (Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 36 minutes duration (57Mb .wmv file)  (89Mb .mp4 file)
  • Monitoring warm cloud convection and associated lightning using Himawari-8 and other data (Mr Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 18 minutes duration (32Mb .wmv file)  (48Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following aninmations prior to the session

Animation1 (19Mb)

Animation2 (50Mb)

Animation3 (44Mb)

Animation 4 (7Mb)

Animation 5 (7Mb)

Animation 6 (14Mb)

Cloud Phase RGB example (32Mb)

24th April 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (55)

Topic of discussion included:

  • Using microwave imagery to interpret the eye wall replacement cycles of Tropical Cyclone Marcus (Mr Joe Courtney BMTC) (50Mb .mp4 file)

(note, Joe recorded this after the Regional Focus Group meeting)

Please download the following aninmations prior to the session

Animation1 (6Mb)

Animation2 (17Mb)

Animation3 (17Mb)

27th March 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (54)

Topics of discussion include:

  • Using the Socrative interactive software during the teaching of Satellite Meteorology and related subjects (Mr. Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 8 minutes duration (9Mb .wmv file)  (15Mb .mp4 file)
  • An Australian dust event as captured in a variety of Himawari-8 satellite products and high resolution NWP data (Mr. Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 22 minutes duration (50Mb .wmv file)  (73Mb .mp4 file)
  • Eruption of Mount Sinabung, Indonesia as captured in a variety of geostationary and polar orbiting satellite products (Mr. Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 21 minutes duration (50Mb .wmv file)  (70Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session

Animation 1 (14Mb)

Animation 2 (6Mb)

Animation 3 (45Mb)

22nd February 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (53)

Topics of discussion include:

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (28Mb)

Animation 2 (26Mb)

Animation 3 (4Mb)

30th January 2018 Regional Focus Group meeting (52)

Topics of discussion include:

  • A brief summary of the recent Technical Interchange Teleconference between NOAA, JMA and BOM (improved detection of turbulence using water vapour imagery, tuning of RGB products, forecaster use of Himawari-8 products) (Mr. Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 9 minutes duration (8Mb .wmv file)  (16Mb .mp4 file)
  • The Fire Temperature RGB product (Ms. Naomi Benger, Forecaster, South Australian Regional Forecasting Centre, BOM) 17 minutes duration (13Mb .wmv file)  (19Mb .mp4 file)
  • Climate Kaleidoscope during 2017 in West Nusa Tenggara Province (Mr. Hamdan Nurdin, Climate Forecaster, BMKG Indonesia) 26 minutes duration (23Mb .wmv file)  (39Mb .mp4 file)

20th December 2017 Regional Focus Group meeting (51)

 Topics of discussion include:

  • Satellite-based Total Cloud cover retrieval to support automatic cloud cover measurements (Dr Geun-Hyeok Ryu / Satellite Analysis Division, NMSC, Korea Meteorological Administration) 31 minutes duration (26Mb .wmv file)  (50Mb .mp4 file)
  • An Australian Squall Line case study: applying some RGB products from the RGB Expert and Developers Workshop (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 24 minutes duration (52Mb .wmv file)  (73Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (41Mb)

Animation 2 (21Mb)

Animation 3 (18Mb)

50th Australian VLab CoE Regional Focus Group meeting, 23rd November 2017

Topics of discussion include:

  • A brief overview of AOMSUC-8 held in Vladivostok, Russia (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 12 minutes duration (24Mb .wmv file)  (35Mb .mp4 file)
  • A brief overview of the RGB Experts and Developers Workshop held in Tokyo, Japan (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 20 minutes duration (32Mb .wmv file)  (59Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (54Mb)

Animation 2 (34Mb)

31st October 2017 Regional Focus Group meeting (49)

Topics of discussion include:

  • Celebrating our 4th year of Regional Focus Group meetings (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 7 minutes duration (7Mb .wmv file)  (14Mb .mp4 file)
  • Turbulence during a recent flight from Vladivostok to Tokyo; on-board observations compared to satellite and other observations and NWP (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 24 minutes duration (37Mb .wmv file)  (60Mb .mp4 file)
  • ITCZ displacement due to an MJO event over the Maritime Continent during the Asian Monsoon (Achmad Rifani BMKG Indonesia) 19 minutes duration (23Mb .wmv file)  (54Mb .mp4 file)           

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (6Mb)

Animation 2 (32Mb)

21st September 2017 Regional Focus Group meeting (48)

Topics of discussion include:

  • A fog/low cloud case study from Korea comparing a number of Himawari-8 and COMS products (Dr HyeSook Park KMA, Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 38 minutes duration (216Mb .wmv file)  (232Mb .mp4 file)
  • Analysis of a Mesoscale Convective Complex in the South China Sea (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 17 minutes duration (50Mb .wmv file)  (65Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (28Mb)

Animation 2 (18Mb)

Animation 3 (11Mb)

Animation 4 (3Mb)

Animation 5 (16Mb)

Animation 6 (30Mb)

Animation 7 (8Mb)

17th August 2017 Regional Focus Group meeting (47)

Topics of discussion include:

  • The parallax error in Himawari-8 data: A Singapore Case Study, a New Zealand example and the potential effect on other locations (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 24 minute duration (35Mb .wmv flie)   (61Mb .mp4 file)   
  • Mountain waves and associated turbulence over south-eastern Australia 10 August 2017, including input by an operational forecaster and the assessment of the performance of the high resolution ACCESS-C NWP model (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 21 minutes duration (27Mb .wmv file)  (50Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (16Mb)

Animation 2 (8Mb)

18th July 2017 Regional Focus Group meeting (46)

Topic of discussion included:

  • Forecasting Size Changes in Tropical Cyclones (Joe Courtney, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre) 52 minute duration (49Mb .wmv flie)   (95Mb .mp4 file)

Presentation (.pdf file) (5Mb)

13th June 2017 Regional Focus Group meeting (45)

Topics of discussion include:

  • A brief summary of the remote sessions of the WMO Course for Trainers for RAII and RAV (Bodo Zeschke BMTC with comments from Luciane Veeck WMO-CGMS VLab) 3 minute duration (3Mb .wmv flie)   (5Mb .mp4 file)   
  • Weather and Forecast Discussion (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 29 minutes duration (32Mb .wmv file)  (71Mb .mp4 file)
  • Two case studies including the examination of the high resolution ACCESS APS-2 model for an East Coast Low and convection over the Singapore area  (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 17 minutes duration (23Mb .wmv file)  (43Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (24Mb)

Animation 2 (10Mb)

18th May 2017 Regional Focus Group meeting (44)

Topics of discussion include:

  • Rapidly Developing Thunderstorm Detection using various Satellite Products (Dr Hye Sook Park, Korea Meteorological Administration) 24 minutes duration (56Mb .wmv file)   (86Mb .mp4 file)   
  • Impact of 10 minute Himawari-8 imagery on Nowcasting at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 20 minutes duration (25Mb .wmv file)  (43Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (7Mb)

Animation 2 (114Mb)

Animation 3 (11Mb)

Animation 4 (10Mb)

18th April 2017 Regional Focus Group meeting (43)

 Topics of discussion include:

  • Improvement in the detection of snow covered areas using Natural Colour RGB images (Mr Yun Bok Lee, Researcher, Satellite Analysis Division, National Meteorological Satellite Centre, Korea Meteorological Administration) 13 minutes duration (12Mb .wmv file)   (25Mb .mp4 file)   
  • Tropical Cyclone Debbie at landfall time; comparing various Himawari-8 satellite products and associated observations and NWP products  (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 32 minutes duration (61Mb .wmv file)   (102Mb .mp4 file)   

Please download the following animation prior to the session:

Animation 1 (31Mb)

21st March 2017 Regional Focus Group meeting (42)

Topics of discussion include:

  • A short introduction of the SHyMet Satellite Foundation Training website - a useful resource for training in the effective use of the new Geostationary (Himawari-8 / GOES-16) satellite data (Bodo Zeschke BMTC) 4 minutes duration (4Mb .wmv file)   (8Mb .mp4 file)   
  • Related case studies pertaining to smoke and fire detection using the new Himawari-8 SWIR channel and associated products (Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre)  20 minute duration (21Mb .wmv file)   (45Mb .mp4 file)   
  • Related case studies optimising the new Himawari-8 satellite data for detection and monitoring of convection (Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre)  24 minute duration (37Mb .wmv file)   (68Mb .mp4 file)   

PowerPoint presentation (24Mb)

Please download the following animations prior to the session;

Animation 1 (13Mb)

Animation 2 (28Mb)

Animation 3 (24Mb)

Animation 4 (40Mb)

Animation 5 (17Mb)

Animation 6 (17Mb)

 28th February 2017 Regional Focus Group meeting (41)

Topic of discussion included:

24th January 2017 Regional Focus Group meeting (40)

Topics of discussion include:

  • Conceptual Model of the Northerly Cold Surge across the South China Sea and Maritime Continent (Asteria Satyaning Handayani, Researcher, Research and Development Centre BMKG Indonesia) 18 minutes duration (17Mb .wmv file)   (29Mb .mp4 file)   

Animation 1a (7Mb)

  • A "bouquet" of short case studies to start the year 2017: Case Study 1, a tropical Mesoscale Convective Vortex (Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre)  17 minute duration (35Mb .wmv file)   (47Mb .mp4 file)   
  • A "bouquet" of short case studies to start the year 2017: Case Study 2, Cloud Streets over the Great Australian Bight (Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre)  15 minute duration (47Mb .wmv file)   (48Mb .mp4 file)   

Please download the following animations prior to the session;

Animation 1 (53Mb)

Animation 2 (20Mb)

Animation 3 (23Mb)

Animation 4 (14Mb)

Animation 5 (12Mb)

13th December 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (39)

Topics of discussion include:

  • Activities of the Korea Regional Training Centre and VLab Centre of Excellence (Dr Hye-Sook Park, Korea Meteorological Administration) 26 minutes duration (25Mb .wmv file)   (47Mb .mp4 file)   
  • Trial of a short "end to end" case study as preferred by forecasters, incorporating training in the effective use of Himawari-8 data (Mr Bodo Zeschke, Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre)  32 minute duration (53Mb .wmv file)   (94Mb .mp4 file)   

Please download the following animations prior to the session;

Animation 1 (14Mb)

Animation 2 (16Mb)

8th November 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (38)

Topics of discussion include:

  • Some highlights from the 7th Asia-Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users Conference 18 minutes duration (25Mb .wmv file)   (46Mb .mp4 file)          (note - errata on slides 5-7 "New Satellite Developments". GEOCOMPSAT-2A corrected to GEO-KOMPSAT-2A)
  • Ingredients Based Convective Forecasting (Dean Sgarbossa) 13 minute duration (45Mb .mp4 file)          (note - there were issues with the data visualisation software on the day, so Dean has kindly permitted the posting of the BNOC Extreme Weather Desk Chart Discussion from the 8th November 2016)

Please download the following animations prior to the session;

Animation 1 (32Mb)

Animation 2 (56Mb)

Animation 3 (49Mb)

Animation 4 (69Mb)

Animation 5 (112Mb)

Recipes for the new RGB products (4Mb)

Useful web links from AOMSUC-7 (5Mb)

11th October 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (37)

Topics of discussion include:

Please download the following animations prior to the session;

Animation 1 (37Mb)

Animation 2 (6Mb)

Animation 3 (26Mb)

Animation 4 (32Mb)

Animation 5 (104Mb)

6 September 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (36)

Topics of discussion include:

  • A Weather and Forecast Discussion incorporating audience interaction methods outlined during my CALMET 2016 presentations 32 minutes duration (40Mb .wmv file)   (87Mb .mp4 file)
  • Introducing the Cloud Phase RGB product 22 minutes duration (37Mb .wmv file)   (62Mb .mp4 file) (application to Aviation Icing)

Please download the following animation prior to the session:

Animation 1 (39Mb)

2 August 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (35)

Topics of discussion:

  • Weather and Forecast Discussion  (Bodo Zeschke) 20 minutes duration (23Mb .wmv file)   (52Mb .mp4 file)
  • Dust detection methods using various satellite products and their limitations (Dr. Hye Sook Park, Korea Meteorological Administration) 31 minutes duration (45Mb .wmv file)   (80Mb .mp4 file)

7 July 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (34)

Topics of discussion: Presented by Mr Bodo Zeschke

  • Introduction, stakeholder feedback to the survey "Topics for discussion at future RFG meetings"   17 minutes duration (16Mb .wmv file)   (34Mb .mp4 file)
  • The GEOCAT GOES-R fog/low cloud algorithm. Latest work at the Bureau in adapting the product to RAV with a tropical and midlatitude example 31 minutes duration (49Mb .wmv file)   (98Mb .mp4 file)
  • Summary and Conclusion 2 minutes duration (2Mb .wmv file(4Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following resources prior to the session. Note that there are four animations embedded within the PowerPoint slide. For some computers the animations do not all work. In that case please examine the .wmv and .mp4 files

Animation 1a (GEOCAT products compared to the Night Microphysics RGB product)

Animation 1b (GEOCAT products compared to the Himawari-8 infrared / visible imagery)

7 June 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (33)

Session 1: Weather and Forecast Discussion, including a number of case studies using Himawari-8 data (Mr Bodo Zeschke)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (41Mb)

Animation 2 (13Mb)

Animation 3 (5Mb)

Animation 4 (25Mb)

Session 2: Contribution by BMKG Indonesia (Ms Firsta Zukhrufiana Setiawati; Wandayantolis; Nuredeka Hidayanto)

  • Climatological Study of Singkawang Flash Flood May 21-22 2016  31 minutes duration (29Mb .wmv file)   (57Mb .mp4 file)
  • Future topics at the Australian VLab Centre of Excellence  Regional Focus Group meetings (Mr. Bodo Zeschke) 6 minutes duration (8Mb .wmv file)   (14Mb .mp4 file)

10 May 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (32)

Weather and Forecast Discussion including a tropical and a midlatitude case study

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (36Mb)

Animation 2 (16Mb)

14 April 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (31)

Additional resource:
GEOCAT GOES-R fog/low Basis Document Version 1.0 (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (10Mb)

Animation 2 (9Mb)

Animation 3 (31Mb)

Animation 4 (17Mb)

Activity 1 (1Mb)

Activity 2 (1Mb)

Activity 3 (1Mb)

Presentation (47Mb)

17 March 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (30)

Application of the ARCHER technique to Tropical Cyclone forecasting (Mr Joe Courtney) 59 minute duration (58Mb .wmv file)   (81Mb .mp4 file)

25 February 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (29)

Weather and Forecast Discussion with emphasis on Himawari-8 data (Mr Bodo Zeschke)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (6Mb)

Animation 2 (14Mb)

21 January 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (28)

Some highlights of the EUMETSAT-CHMI Course on the use of Rapid Scan data for monitoring and nowcasting of High Impact Weather. Resources adapted to Himawari-8 data.

  • Introduction, different speeds of rapid scan, satellite image products. Working through exercises 1-3 26 minutes duration (59Mb .wmv file)   (75Mb .mp4 file)
  • Types of stormtop features and associated severe weather. Working through exercises 4 and 5 24 minutes duration (54Mb .wmv file)   (79Mb .mp4 file)
  • Overshooting Top detection / Convection Initiation algorithm resources. Summary.  4 minutes duration (4Mb .wmv file)   (8Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (11Mb)

Animation 2 (14Mb)

Animation 3 (15Mb)

Animation 4 (14Mb)

Animation 5 (12Mb)

15 December 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (27)

  • A brief highlight of the past year of Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meetings 7 minutes duration (34Mb .wmv file)   (38Mb .mp4 file)
  • Tuning the Night Microphysics RGB product 22 minutes duration (39Mb .wmv file)   (66Mb .mp4 file)
  • Collaboration with the Principal Sponsoring Satellite Operator - shadow effects in the Dust RGB product 6 minutes duration (7Mb .wmv file)   (15Mb .mp4 file)
  • Utilising additional Himawari-8 channels - the new "Cloud Phase RGB product" 7 minutes duration (13Mb .wmv file)   (21Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

References (2Mb)

Animation 1 (30Mb)

 26 November 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (26)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (39Mb)

Animation 2 (6Mb)

6 October 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (25)

  • A brief review over the past two years of Regional Focus Group meetings at the Australian VLab Centre of Excellence
  • Applying Himawari-8 data and data products to recent weather events. Incorporating the feedback from BOM and EUMETSAT staff.

Recording, 48 minutes duration (210Mb .wmv file) (234Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animations prior to the session:

Animation 1 (40Mb) (Sumatra fires)

Animation 2 (40Mb) (New Zealand mountain waves)

Animation 3 (6Mb) (Severe Storms New South Wales)

1 September 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (24)

  • A brief review of Science Week 2015 (Bodo Zeschke)
  • A recent Himawari-8 rapid scan and RGB product case study, incorporating feedback from BOM and EUMETSAT (Bodo Zeschke)

Recording, 53 minutes duration (100Mb .wmv file) (192Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animation prior to the session:

Animation 1 (6Mb) (Timor Sea Solitary Wave Cloudlines)

13 August 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (23)

  • Weather and Forecast Discussion, incorporating Himawari-8 data (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Himawari-8 Utilisation for Volcanic Ash Monitoring (Ms. Asri Susilawati, BMKG)

Recording, 56 minutes duration (60Mb .wmv file) (117Mb .mp4 file)

Please download the following animation prior to the session:

Animation 1 (Day Convection RGB)

Animation 2 (Volcanic Ash RGB)

7 July 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (22)

  • Weather and Forecast Discussion (Bodo Zeschke)
Recording, 57 minutes duration (89Mb .mp4 file)

2 June 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (21)

  • Introducing the National Himawari-8 Training Campaign - Part 2 (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Weather and Forecast Discussion (Bodo Zeschke)
Recording 60 minutes duration (71Mb .wmv file) (148Mb .mp4 file)

5 May 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (20)

  • Brief Introduction (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Diagnosing an Illawarra Sea Mist using RGB products (Mr Simon Louis, BOM/NSW)
  • Monitoring the onset of dry season at NTB (West Nusa Tenggara) (Mr Adi Ripaldi, Kediri Climatological Station BMKG)
Recording 61 minutes duration (58Mb .wmv file) (99Mb .mp4 file

Animations as shown during the second presentation (9 MB)

7 April 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (19)

  • A brief update of the National Himawari-8 Training Campaign (Bodo Zeschke)
  • The impact of a High Resolution Convection Allowing NWP on the forecasters ability to perform their job - insights from the Sydney 2014 Forecasting Demonstration Project (Ms  Aurora Bell - Weather and Forecasting Branch, BOM)
Recording 59 minutes duration (56Mb .wmv file) (105Mb .mp4 file)

3 March 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (18)

  • Fair Weather Waterspout Forecasting - Part 2 (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Forecasting Tropical Cyclone Intensity (Mr.Joe Courtney, BMTC/Perth)
Recording 68 minutes duration (61Mb .wmv file) (113Mb .mp4 file)

3 February 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (17)

  • National Himawari-8 Training Campaign Launch (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Remote Effects of Tropical Cyclone to Rainfall in Jakarta area and Surroundings (Ms Ummul Choir Ohoimas, BMKG)
  • Fair Weather Waterspout Forecasting - Part 1 (Bodo Zeschke)
Recording 54 minutes duration (59Mb .wmv file)

 16 January 2015 Regional Focus Group meeting (16)

  • Regional Focus Group Questionnaire summary discussion (Bodo Zeschke)
  • The first image from Himawari-8 (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Climate and Weather Discussion (Bodo Zeschke)
Recording 63 minutes duration (105Mb .wmv file)


2 December 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (15)

  • National Himawari Training Campaign update (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Introducing the Conceptual Models for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology Project (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Island Convection (Bodo Zeschke)
Recording 55 minutes duration (100Mb .wmv file)

 Island Convection Exercises 1, 2, 3 to be discussed at the meeting (40 MB)

11 November 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (14)

  • Recent developments in Satellite Meteorology training at the Australian VLab Centre of Excellence (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Climate and Weather Discussion (Bodo Zeschke)
Recording 55 minutes duration (64Mb .wmv file)

7 October 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (13)

  • Brief overview of the National Himawari Training Campaign (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Forecasting Challenges: Small (Midget) Tropical Cyclones (Joe Courtney, Tropical Cyclone Competency Trainer, WARO)
  • Numerical Weather Prediction and Satellite use in Tropical Cyclone Forecasting - An Update (Mr Joe Courtney)
Recording 68 minutes duration (63Mb .wmv file)
Rapid Scan Animation to be discussed at the meeting (16MB).

2 September 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (12)

  • One year of Regional Focus Group meetings (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Introduction of the HimawariCast service (Mr Yukihiro Kumagai JMA)
  • Climate and Weather Discussion (Bodo Zeschke)
Recording 57 minutes duration (50Mb .wmv file)

5 August 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (11)

  • Brief summary of Science Week (Bodo Zeschke)
  • The upcoming Advanced Satellite Meteorology classroom / online training course (Bodo Zeschke)
  • CALMET Online (Ms Roro Purwanti BMKG)
Recording 63 minutes duration (51Mb .wmv file)

1 July 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (10)

  • Latest developments pertaining to Himawari 8/9 relevant to RAV and RAII forecasters. Review of the visit of Mr. T Kurino ot the Bureau of Meteorology (Bodo Zeschke)
  • Upcoming online training pertaining to the effective use of Himawari 8/9 data, as offered by the Australian VLab Centre of Excellence (Bodo Zeschke)
Recording 54 minutes duration (47Mb .wmv file)

3 June 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (9)

  • Online Group Project#1 - a milestone in BMKG E-Learning Project (Dr Hendar Gunawan, Ms Roro Purwanti, Ms Ana Setiowati)
  • Broadscale analysis of current RAV and RAII Weather (Bodo Zeschke and BMTC Grad Dip Met students)
  • Real time Weather and Forecast Discussion (Mr Chris Webster, Met Service New Zealand)
Recording 58 minutes duration (68Mb .wmv file)

 6 May 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (8)

  • Introducing the joint classroom/remote Regional Focus Group meeting
  • Reviewing the forecasts from the last Regional Focus Group meeting (Tropical Storm Peipah (Domeng) and Severe Tropical Cyclone Ita)
  • Water Spout - a Fabulous Twister around the Maritime Continent, Ms Ida Pramuwardani (BMKG)
  • Brief introduction to the Forecast Simulator - preparing for Himawari 8
Recording 52 minutes duration (47Mb .wmv file)

 1 April 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (7)

  • Review of topics for future Regional Focus Group meetings
  • Weather and Forecast Discussion
  • Cyclone Gillian - Once in a Blue Moon for Indonesia, Ms Mia Khusnul Khotimah (BMKG)
Recording 65 minutes duration (70Mb .wmv file)

4 March 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (6)

  • Summary of feedback from Australian and Indonesian Forecasters about the use of MTSAT-1R rapid scan data
  • How busy Forecasters may use this data effectively
  • Introducing the "Certificate of Participation" for RFG presenters
Recording 76 minutes duration (220Mb .wmv file)

4 February 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (5)

  • Equivalent Potential Temperature analysis across a South China Sea Surge, 22 January 2014
  • The Mid-Latitude experiance, Mr. Wim Van Dijk (Met Service New Zealand)
  • Climatological study of Manado Flood, 15 January 2014, Ms Febriany Rey (BMKG)
Recording 67 minutes duration (71Mb .wmv file)

17 January 2014 Regional Focus Group meeting (4)

  • MTSAT-1R rapid scan data of the HIWC analysed, with case studies
  • Adapting the rapid scan data to the Eumetsat Forecast Simulator
  • Jakarta heavy rain and flooding event, 11-12 January 2014, Ms Maria Budiarti (BMKG)
Recording 64 minutes duration (120Mb .wmv file)

3 December 2013 Regional Focus Group meeting (3)

  • Latest updates regarding the HICE MTSAT-1R rapid scan data
  • Brief review of Typhoon Haian
  • Review of the early Australian Monsoon onset and Tropical Cyclone Alessia
  • Monitoring ash cloud from Mount Sinabung and Mount Merapi, Mr Andersen Panjaitan (BMKG)

Recording 80 minutes duration (111Mb .wmv file)

6 November 2013 Regional Focus Group meeting (2)

  • Latest updates regarding satellite meteorology relevant for RAV
  • Updates to the Melbourne VLab CoE web page
  • Web resources for Regional Focus Group meetings
  • Rapid Scan experiment, 1 October 2013 example.
  • Weather and Forecast Discussion
Recording 73 minutes duration (225Mb .wmv file)

First Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meeting, 8 October 2013 Regional Focus Group meeting (1)

  • A short overview of the Regional Training Workshop on Preparation for Advanced Meteorological Imagers
  • A Weather and Forecast Discussion, also showcasing the MTSAT-1R 10 minute rapid scan data and the MODIS generated RGB composites
PowerPoint presentation (72Mb .ppt file)


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