Basic Satellite Competencies

Block 1 - Basics

Describe the meteorological satellite systems presently supplying data for operational use.

  • What does it mean to be geosynchronous and how can the third law of Johannes Kepler help me to understand this?
  • Describe the principles by which radiation received at the satellite sensor are used to infer target albedo or temperature.
  • How do we go from level-1 data to level-1B and level-2 products?
  • Which open source softwares are available for visualising my HRIT data (need to facilitate workshops!)?

Block 2 - Image Interpretation

  • Describe the characteristics of the various sensing channels available and discuss the uses that are most applicable for each sensing wavelength. 
  • Interpret the basic information appearing on satellite imagery including the principles of image enhancement. 
  • Identify cloud types, terrain features and various atmospheric constituents using all available wavelengths and multi-spectral imagery. 
  • Understand the principles used to combine satellite data and other data to create derived products useful for a specific meteorological application. 
  • Emphasise the use of these by linking the images and the RGB to their respected applications!

Block 3 - Synoptic and Mesoscale Analysis of Satellite Images

  • Locate, on satellite imagery, cloud patterns that indicate dynamic processes in the atmosphere. 
  • Locate, on satellite imagery, cloud patterns that indicate convective processes in the atmosphere. 
  • Locate, using satellite imagery, areas of interest that relate to a particular forecasting problem. 
  • Analysing a satellite image in terms of conceptual models to learn to retrieve a 3D- or even 4D-mental weather picture and identify the benefit this can have on their forecasting skills.