
Effective use of Himawari-8 data - General Comments


General comments about using 10 minute MTSAT-1R (HIWC Experiment) data from Australian and Indonesian Forecasters

  • Everyone Ihave talked to that has used the data has found it very useful for short lead time forecasting and weather watching (NSW RFC).
  • It will prepare the Forecasters for the effective future use of high resolution NWP by familiarising them with mesoscale meteorology.
  • The ability to reconcile the 10 minute satellite data with the 6 minute radar scans in real time (NSW RFC).
  • The 10 minute rapid scan satellite data was found useful in verifying the high resolution ACCESS-C(VT) model data.
  • The visible images during the day allow for more accurate briefing to pilots of actual conditions (VIC RFC).
  • Television reporters are also very interested in the 10 minute imagery (BMKG).


General Forecaster feedback from the GOES-R Proving Ground (USA) (click here to download the document)

  • We want the highest spatial resolution and the fastest temporal resolution
  • We want the smallest lag time in receiving the data.
  • Bandwidth is always a problem. If you can't ship the whole image, send a high resolution clip.
  • We prefer that the native resolution is preserved.
  • In general, the raw products are preferred over derived products, one exception is the fog product, which is still at rather high resolution.
  • Preference for items that have quantitative properties, rather than "yes/no" (ie. Cloud Top Cooling Rate versus Convection Initiation Likely)
  • Forecaster Blog entries are very popular with the Forecasters and easier to use for the developers.
  • Synthetic Forecast GOES-R imagery - useful if the fog product could be simulated into the future
  • Synthetic Forecast GOES-R imagery - simulated water vapour imagery serves as a proxy for identifying and tracking the evolution of upper level jets without having to rely solely on model data.


Other supporting references

(to be added soon)