Time(EST) |
Time (UTC) |
Monday 22nd July |
Tuesday 23rd July |
Wed. 24th July |
Thursday 25th July |
Friday 26th July |
0930-1030 |
2330-0030 |
Welcome and Introduction Duncan Tippins
70/20/10: What does it mean for me? Duncan Tippins |
Oklahoma Tornadoes of 2013 Jim Ladue |
Bodo Zeschke Resources |
Tips on conducting effective briefings to Emergency Managers Joe Courtney |
1100-1200 |
0100-0200 |
Current trends in Fog and Low Cloud detection Bodo Zeschke |
Forecast Demonstration Project 2014 Peter Steinle |
Water Vapour Imagery and Aviation Hazards Bodo Zeschke |
Latest OCF Developments Phil Riley/ Tim Hume |
ACCESS-TC and CAWCR TC research Noel Davidson |
1330-1430 |
0330-0430 |
Tsunami forecasting and warning: recent developments and future plans Stewart Allen |
Rainfields2 (quantitative radar based rainfall estimates) - quality control and verification Alan Seed |
Detecting and nowcasting Aviation Icing Bodo Zeschke |
ACCESS APS1 model - an operational focus Jim Fraser |
Volcanic Ash and dusting monitoring with Geostationary satellites (filesize 4 Mb) Yukio Kurihara (JMA) Resources (please download these movies prior to the session) Surface wind estimation using rapid scan AMVs. (filesize 36 Mb) Masahiro Hayashi (JMA) Resources (please download these movies prior to the session) These animation files were provided by Himawari-6 (MTSAT-1R) Rapid Scan Observations. This was performed for the sake of aviation users. Japanese Meteorological Agency July 2013. QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK HERE Files relevant to the feedback and comment section
1530-1630 |
0530-0630 |
The ensemble-based, probabilisticand calibrated (NTFGS) Harald Richter |
High resolution NWP. Strength and uses Peter Steinle |
Homogenised Data Sets Blair Trewin |
Clear Air Turbulence, a South African perspective Weather Briefing Lee-ann Simpson/ Jannie Stander (South African Met Service) |
Real-time Chart Discussion Chris Webster (Meteorological Service of New Zealand) |